Refrigerator Woes

Some times timing is a terrible thing.

On Tuesday evening I had my parents over for dinner. Ray and I ran across the street to get soda and when we returned, we smelled something weird, burning, in the kitchen. We hunted all over and could not find whatever it was that was causing the odor. It was confined to the kitchen - the living room, dining room, sun room and hallway to the bedrooms all smelled fine. We opened the frig and could hear the fan running and the lights came on. None of the knobs were turned on the oven (not that it smelled like gas, but still). It dissapated but left me with a bad feeling - nothing causes that kind of smell and doesn't have some kind of repercussion.

I came from work on Wednesday and decided to have Bagel Bites, little frozen pizza bagels - I love them. It is easy enough to make (especially since I can only boil water and not even that well) and they are delicious. When I took them out of the freezer, they weren't - they were defrosted! What the hell...?

I made them, and while they were in the oven I looked at everything in the freezer. Yikes - nothing was cold! And the refrigerator was not any better, but I can never tell if the frig is really cold or not. Well, it wasn't cold. Not at all. That is a lot of food ruined. I called Sears - what luck! We did actually get an extended warrantee on the frig when we got it on 1 October 2002 (it will expire on 1 October 2007 - wow...). so it is covered. WAHOO!

Well, Sears couldn't send someone until Friday (today), so I needed to clean out the frig and freezer before that. I cleaned out the freezer Thursday morning, when my back wasn't feeling bad. We have a side-by-side, so there is only so much we could cram in there anyway. That was easy enough. I enlisted help to clean out the frig on Thursday night, as there was considerably more and heavy stuff in there. He did most of the bending and took the bags out.

My father came to wait for the Sears guy so that I could go to work. I had some sticky wickets to deal with there, fallout from yesterday and events today, so I really needed to be there. Ray came and the Sears guy came around 1230 (so much for the 0800 - 1200 window). He managed to pull the unit out (and it is still sticking out about a foot from the little built out area) and determine that the compressor burned out. That certainly explains the terrible smell on Tuesday night).

I'm not delighted with the solution... the Sears guy ordered a compressor and when it arrives here (?!) we need to call for Sears service to return. Luis is in Nebraska (if you can imagine) now. He will be in Florida this coming week. Yikes. Ray might be available next week... I don't want to lose time for this. (Luis is the logical choice for this since he works 2.6 miles from home. I commute 18 miles (not that this is a staggering distance, but still) to work.)

Today being Friday, there is a good chance that we will be a week without a fridge... not a positive thing.

I have no skim milk in the house - what would I do with it? I'm absolutely dying for a cuppa hot tea!


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