One Single Rain Drop

On my way into work, that storm that I mentioned this morning was raging... again. It dumped more than three inches of rain and turned this beautiful golf course into mud - the sandtraps make amazing water features!

Dan did not appreciate that, at least he leveled me a very serious gaze as if to say, "I find that remark totally inappropriate." He's very funny.

I really like Dan but he is completely lovable. He is a very sweet, mild-mannered, quiet person who is very thoughtful. And even when he is stressed out completely, he is still a very sensible, not crazy kind of person. The funny thing is that he and Jason, while in the same position, are total diametric opposites - physically and tempermentally. Where Dan is taller, Jason is not that tall. Dan has a thin frame, Jason is not overweight, but more "built". Both have light eyes. Dan is a lighter of hair, Jason a little darker in hair. Dan is more reserved, less fiery; Jason is more passionate outwardly. I love them both - they complement each other. Somewhere in the middle is that perfect manager that no one can be. They each have their flaws, but frankly I don't think that there are better people out there, and not for what they do. Mark certainly made great choices with them.

I have a lot of fondness for both.

Anyway, back to the original topic - the weather. It was a delight and a horror. The thunder, the ightning - the unbelievable amounts of rain... I drove through some puddles that scared me. I was an idiot to take the local roads. They flooded very quickly.

Today I met an officer who told me to call him Angelo - he doesn't look like an Angelo, but Officer Bonavitacalo - something like that - is a mouthful (I had had it down but after the rest of the day, I have promptly forgotten it). He is extremely Italian - that's not necessarily true, but his name certainly is! He is charming and I like him a lot. He was exceedingly helpful.

The weather (to once again return to the topic of this wandering posting) has been atrocious. It has gotten progressively hotter and the humidity... an early morning storm rarely brings comfortable, dry weather. Well, this did not just as much as any other. It was much more humid and disgusting than it had been yesterday. It was close to 100 degrees Farenheit, if not more. And beastly humid. It felt terribly wet. Like I can ring moisture out of the heavy, wet air.

As I was driving home, a large SPLAT sounded and out of the black cloud overhead, a single, solitairy raindrop flew down upon my car. I was very surprised to see that it was one drop - one drop only - and then nothing more.
Of course, a mile down the road some huge drops fell, but nothing that would relieve the heat. It was very short-lived anyway. And the rain fell briefly while in the sun, out from under the black cloud.
Very August.


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