An Interesting Comment

I got this e-mail:

tom sheepandgoats has left a new comment on your post "Zealots of Religion":

'No. Not about the fringe group, anyway. But I'm not so sure about this, which we hear so often it seems popular wisdom:... 'it is the height of unforgivable hubris to say, "Mine is the only right one and the rest are wrong"'. I don't know why that conclusion has to hold. Religion, after all, is a path. A lot of paths don't really lead anywhere or even lead a way we don't want to go. If only one group was making such claims, probably we would, albeit with a little grousing, make examination. But when such groups are a dime a dozen, it's hard to resist bundling and dismissing them all as nutcakes, I agree.'

I'm not sure if Tom is defending religious groups in general or agreeing with me. I found his blog and it looks like the main focus is religion. And I agree with his description that it is a path. I guess it is up to each person what it is a path to; but when groups kill children, what possible good thing can such a bloodsoaked, body-littered path lead to? Is it like the extremist Islam believers with the 77 virgins? Or avarice beyond imagining? What kind of god would be forgiving of such a thing?

I wonder all the time about religion. I don't wonder, however, if it is wrong to kill people. Or marry girls off to old men. Or bombing any other country in the name of my god. I never have to wonder - I don't think any being with that much intelligence requires obiesence in that way.


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