Caught Up - Saturday Six [Blazing Minds]

Saturday Six - Health & Fitness
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe via Email for future posts and more. Thanks for visiting! OK, here it is the new Saturday Six and continuing with the new themes for the Saturday Six this weeks theme is health & fitness.

As usual you can either answer the questions here or copy the questions on to your blog with a link back here (and leave a link in the comments).

Do you consider yourself healthy?

I would not have said yes, but at age 41 (in a day and a half) and 40lbs overweight, all my stats come back fine. My blood sugar, blood pressure and heart rate are all fine. Having dystrophia myotonia II does not make it better, but it won't kill me.

Do you exercise?

Yes, I do yoga. I try to get to the gym but am unsuccessful...

Are you careful in what you eat?

I'm much more careful about what I eat now. I cut back on sugar and simple carbohydrates and I use Splenda for my caffeine-free tea. I have never been a fan of caffeine, anyway, it makes me tired. Weird, yes... my flaky body chemistry.

Have you started a diet recently?

I began cutting severe amounts of sugar out of my diet in October 2007. I've lost around 45lbs since then, but I tend to fluctuate between 165 and 180, which I hate... I need to get to the gym and really get my heart rate up and work off the rest.

Do you know your BMI (Body Mass Indicator)?

I did at some point. It is certainly higher than it should be, given that I need to lose around 40lbs.

Do you know your what your calorie intake should be a day?

I believe that the daily caloric intake for a healthy adult is 1,200. I may be incorrect or it may have changed recently, but I think that is still the normal number.


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