Tree Dreamer Sunday Meme - Sunday Stealing, The Sassy Meme

Sunday, January 25th, 2009
New meme from this site. I know it’s not real content, but in a way, it can be. It depends on how you answer these. Some of the questions on memes can be prompts for real content, albeit short content. Anyway…
1. If you could say anything you wanted to say to George Bush, what would you say?

Thank the gods you are done in the White House, and what were you thinking? Or were you?

2. If you had to be the mother of Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan, who would you choose and why?

Oh, ye gods. You have some really hard questions... they are both awful. I would have to disown them. OK. Seriously... I would have to pick Lindsay Lohan... for all her fuck-ups, which are considerable, she has not had any children. I'd recommend she'd get her tubes tied. I'd feel that at least while she doesn't have a good place in her life, at least she is only responsible for hers and can take the time to get it all in a better state. Britney has missed that boat and should not have those kids at all.

3. You get to be Queen for a day. The kids are all taken care of, and you can spend as much money as you want. What do you do all day?

I'm queen every day. I don't have kids and that is one of the reasons. One of the 2,894 reasons why! Now, the money thing would make it more interesting. What would I do all day with unlimited funds? Well... I'd have to get a contractor in right away for a bigger candle closet!

4. Is there a song that brings tears to your eyes every time you hear it? If so, which one?

Sure, there are - one of them that comes right to mind is Hallelujia (sp?) by Jeff Buckley. Makes me choke up everytime... but there is a posting about this in this month's list, West Wing - Posse Comitatus. If you have seen it, you'll understand why.

5. A fairy taps you on the shoulder and tells you that you can either have a perfect face or a perfect body for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?

And I get to keep my brain? How perfect a body are we talking? Perfect looking on just the outside or perfect all around - heart, cholesterol, no more muscular dystrophy? Well, either way, I would take the perfect body. I have long since come to terms with my face, but I hate my body - the flabby arms that would still be big no matter how much I worked out, the belly, the ass... I would love the fairy to show up at my house.

6. If you could live any place in the world and money was no object, where would you live and why?

Right here. I'm very happy where I am. However, I told Luis we are retiring in Palm Springs, California. The desert is perfect for me! I loved Palm Springs completely.

7. What is your biggest regret in life?

What, I only get one? There are many, but I have mostly come to terms with them and don't feel badly about them any longer. I know what I've done wrong and what I've done right.

8. If you could go back and visit one person in your life who is now dead, and ask one question, what would that question be and why would you ask it?

Oh, my grandfather. I'd ask him if I made him proud of me and if he loves me.

9. If you had the choice to age forward (like we are now) or aging backwards (think Benjamin Buttons) which would you choose and why?

I would age as I have. I hated being a kid, I'm glad I got it over with at the start!

10. What will the epitaph on your headstone say?

"She fired people well."


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