The "Have You Ever" Meme...

I found this on Patrick's Place, who found this on Paul’s blog, Aurora Walking Vacation.

For these 100 things, put things you’ve done in bold, things you’d like to do in italics, and cross out things you wouldn’t want to do. What’s left are things you don’t have feelings about one way or the other.

1. Started your own blog
I started two, although maybe they are not my own, as they are through sites that are specifically designed for this.

2. Slept under the stars
An astronomer like me? You know it!

3. Played in a band
Uh, no. I played vinyl. Then I played cassette tapes. Then I played CDs. Now I play my iPod - very, very well!

4. Visited Hawaii
It is very high on the To Do list, I assure you.

5. Watched a meteor shower
I've seen several, I usually see one per year, if the weather allows. I love them. The Leonid shower is particularly good. I've also seen Halley's and Hale-Bopp comets. I saw a total solar eclipse when I was 9, a couple of partial solar eclipses, and mutliple lunar eclipses; umbral and penumbral. On the To Do list - the Aurora Borealis.

6. Given more than you can afford to charity
Yes, once. It felt good, but I won't do it again where I will need to worry about the next bill...

7. Been to Disneyland
Yes, when I was 16. I'd go back if they shut it down to kids for the day or whatever length of time I would be there. Something tells me I won't be returning...

8. Climbed a mountain
I went up to the peak of San Jacinto, but it was driving the first 2,000 feet in elevation and a tram for the next 4,000 and then I hiked the rest. I suspect that this does not truly count, but as it is unlikely I will be able to do this again, it works for me!

9. Held a praying mantis
Apparently I have lived a more full life than I'd thought. Yes, when I was 11 or 12 in Pennsylvania I found one in the backyard and it walked on my hand and arm. Very cool. I also held a walking stick bug... also very cool!

10. Sang a solo
Only in my car, by myself!

11. Bungee jumped
That is not my kind of thing, so no.

12. Visited Paris
It's on the To Do list.

13. Watched a lightning storm
More than you will ever imagine!

14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
Yes, one - HTML programming. My Website,, was all written by me in HTML in 1997. Some of the pages added were done in FrontPage, but the original site, the whole thing, was coded by me.

15. Adopted a child
Good gods, no.

16. Had food poisoning
It was not a pleasant experience and I would not recommend it for weightloss, although it is effective short-term that way...

17. Walked to the top of The Statue of Liberty
Many years ago, when you could do it.

18. Grown your own vegetables
No. Helped my father and my grandparents do it, but that wasn't much.

19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
Well, if I haven't been to France... but I don't think the Mona Lisa is my first choice of art to see.

20. Slept on an overnight train
No, I haven't. Is it comfortable?

21. Had a pillow fight
Can you make it to adulthood without one of those?!

22. Hitch-hiked
No, not ever.

23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
I hated school. Take your own guess...

24. Built a snow fort
Many. It seemed that there was a lot more snow when I was a kid, but in hindsight, it was my faulty perspective.

25. Held a lamb
No. Never have.

26. Gone skinny dipping
Yes, and I loved it every time! The ocean is the most fun.

27. Run a Marathon
I'm not even faintly interested.

28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
Haven't been there but I hear that the gondola rides are just a total tourist trap thing.

29. Seen a total eclipse
Yes, in 1977. We used cardboard to see it happen.

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
All the time. I see the sun rise the most often, but I make it a point to see sunsets as well. I find them magical.

31. Hit a home run
Oh, sure... health and sports mogul that I am. I am as uncoordinated.

32. Been on a cruise
No, Luis wants to go on one, though.

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
Yes, but the Horseshoe falls are much, much better.

34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
Uh, no.

35. Seen an Amish community
Oh, my many times. My grandparents took me to Dutch Country every summer when I was a kid. So probably ten - twelve times as a kid and three times as an adult.

36. Taught yourself a new language
Yes, remember? HTML.

37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
Is that an attainable goal?

38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
Back to the To Do list...

39. Gone rock climbing
Only if I want to die young!

40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
No. Not live.

41. Sung karaoke
I am not that cruel.

42. Seen the Old Faithful geyser erupt

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
I bought a homeless person a sandwich and coffee. Does that count?

44. Visited Africa
No, but the appeal for that is not as high as Europe.

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
Yes. It is lovely.

46. Been transported in an ambulance
Heh, heh, heh. On both ends!

47. Had your portrait painted
Yes, my father Harry painted me when I was four.

48. Gone deep sea fishing

49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person

50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
Haven't we been through this?

51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
No, to both.

52. Kissed in the rain
Yes. It is not easy to see the romance in it...

53. Played in the mud
When I was much, much younger. I would not consider it now.

54. Gone to a drive-in theatre.
When I was really young.

55. Been in a movie
Hmmmm. Not that I know of!

56. Visited the Great Wall of China
No again.

57. Started a business
No, and I'm not interested in doing so?

58. Taken a martial arts class
No. I did get one lesson from a girl in the eighth grade who was trying to hurt me and I ended up remaining on my feet and she was on the ground! It was GREAT! I loved it. Nicole Davidson, that was her name. I haven't seen her on Facebook, good thing. She was a wretch.

59. Visited Russia
Let's make this really EASY. Only been to Canada and the British Isles.

60. Served at a soup kitchen

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
I am embarrassed to say I was a Brownie and did sell those stupid cookies. I hated both. (I like the cookies to eat, not to sell!)

62. Gone whale watching
I'd like to!

63. Got flowers for no reason
Yes. One boyfriend loved to send me flowers.

64. Donated blood
Oh, gods, yes. Donated platelets and also set up blood drives.

65. Gone sky diving

66. Visited a Nazi Concentration camp
Not unless there was one in the British Isles, Canada or the United States.

67. Bounced a check
I take the fifth...

68. Flown in a helicopter
Yes! This past summer at the balloon festival... I know, I know, why not a balloon, right?

69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
Um... no. I managed to find many on ebay!

70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
Yes, many times.

71. Eaten caviar
I won't even consider it.

72. Pieced a quilt

73. Stood in Times Square
Goodness, how many times?! I live less than an hour from NYC.

74. Toured the Everglades

75. Been fired from a job
It is not a nice feeling. Now I do it for a living. It is less bothersome from this side of the desk...

76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
London and Edinborough.

77. Broken a bone
I fractured a foot bone. But I never broke one.

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
Yes, and I just LOVED it!

79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
Only the smallest end of it.

80. Published a book
No. But maybe I will someday.

81. Visited the Vatican

82. Bought a brand new car
Yes, it was a really good feeling!

83. Walked in Jerusalem
Refer back to all those other "Have you been..." questions.

84. Had your picture in the newspaper
Not mine, but my father - Ray!

85. Read the entire Bible
Ye gods, no!

86. Visited the White House
Yes. Many times.

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
Gods, no.

88. Had chickenpox
Sure, when I was five years old. Had shingles when I was 33.

89. Saved someone’s life

90. Sat on a jury
If I hadn't been the current patient of my OB/GYN, I would have.

91. Met someone famous
Yes, I met Donald Trump.

92. Joined a book club
I did once. It won't happen again.

93. Lost a loved one
I'm 40 (41 in two days) - of course I have.

94. Had a baby
Nope. Got pregnant once, a very long time ago. Closest I got; closest I will ever get.

95. Seen the Alamo in person
No, surprisingly. Been to Texas three times, Dallas/Ft. Worth twice and Houston once.

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
No, but much as Mormons scare me, I'd like to.

97. Been involved in a lawsuit
Yes. More than one.

98. Owned a mobile phone
Is that any different than a cell phone? Is this a trick question?

99. Been stung by a bee
Yes. Not fun.

100. Read an entire book in one day
Yes, Who Moved My Cheese, most of the Myth Inc series, and Raymond Feist's Faerie Tale.


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