
What Superhero Would I Be?
Ashley J. Williams
You are an arogent, self-indulged but kind hearted hero who's willing to laugh in the face of danger, and would protect your friends no matter what. (Quote: \\\\"Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart, YA GOT THAT!?\\\\")

Who Were You in A Past Life?
This quiz will determine who you were in a past life from your lifestyle and habits. Learning from the mistakes and victories of your past life has been the key to success for many people. George Patton believed in reincarnation. He remembered fighting the Romans as a Carthaginian. Patton also believed he was with Napoleon. Patton defeated the nazis in world war two using his experiences from his past lives. Patton is only one example, knowing about their past lives has been the key to success for Oprah, Henry Ford, Socrates, and others. Here is the point: the results of this quiz will help you find success and happiness!

Question 1 of 10
Would you ever use your body to attain money or power?
Probably not
Question 2 of 10
Life is:
a bitch
a party
unfair to others
a battle to be enjoyed

Question 3 of 10
How many hours do you work (or study) in one week?
40 to 60
less than 20
more than 60
20 to 40
Question 4 of 10
War is:
an unwelcome break to the party
a tragic, yet unavoidable occurance
when we are truly alive
a terrible crime
Question 5 of 10
How often do you turn off the cell phone and computer?
never - I must be in contact with friends and workers at all times
always - I rarely use a phone or computer
often - on holiday, in restaurants, in the bath etc.
Question 6 of 10
Why do you go to church?
to have better social status
my parents make me
because I am truly religous
I do not attend church
Question 7 of 10
You are negotiating a deal. You approach the negotiations:
conservatively, saying as little as possible
knowing there is an upside and downside and hoping for the middle road
ready to argue as long as required to obtain your demands
ready to listen
Question 8 of 10
Loneliness is:
Question 9 of 10
Teamwork is:
the key to good management
a nuisance. You know how to attain your aims and prefer to work alone.
a good way of bringing on and instructing the less able
a fun way to work without being lonely

Question 10 of 10
Sex is:
a way of asserting yourself and gaining pleasure
i have never had sex
frequently needed and from multiple partners

Your Result: Marylin Monroe
In your past life you were Marylin Monroe.
In this life you continue to be radiant, happy, whimsical, and daring.


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