TMI Tuesday #171 -Movie Edition

1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?

Mmmm, it has been a while. I think we saw something more recently than-- oh, yes. The latest Bond movie. It was the most expensive nap I've ever taken... it was fast-paced, action-packed and a total yawner. If you have seen one Bond movie, you have seen them all.

2. What is your favorite movie theater snack?

I guess Twizzlers would be my favourite movie snack. I try to bring my own - not because of inability to pay, but it is just wrong to charge that kind of money for what can be bought in a grocery store for 1/3 the price. I hate that. It is a blatant rip-off and it is overlooked or considered acceptable all the time.

3. Have you ever snuck in 'outside' food into a theater?

As always, I'm jumping the gun. Yes, I bring food all the time from the outside. I used to do it back in the day when the theatres were allowed to search your bag for contraband. Now they can't do that. So I walk in with food in my bag and my typical water bottle in hand.

4. Have you ever made out in a theater?

Doesn't everyone at some point or another... usually before age 25.

5. What is the 'farthest' you have gone in a theater?

I suppose the usual groping. How much more do you think can be done in a normal public theatre? I don't go to XXX-rated theatres - this is why one has a home theatre system. And let's be honest - those movies are just a beginning... take that where you want!

Bonus (as in optional): What is one of your favorite movie sex scene?

Hmmm. I always loved the one in The Thomas Crown Affair, even though the rest of the movie was a little flakey. What's the other - oh, yes, Nine and a Half Weeks. An otherwise terrible movie turned up the heat to boiling when Mickey Rouke (yuck) was feeding what's her name, the one that married Alec Baldwin and owns (owned?) a town in Geogia. What was her name...? Sheesh. I can picture the face...


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