Wednesday Weirdness #40

Note: Posting super early as I will not have time Tuesday to get on and I wanted to make sure they did make it up. Thank you Cali Belle for the questions this week. If you want to submit questions to us, please please email me and let me know! Don't be shy! 'wink'

1.) If a natural disaster left thousands of people homeless, would you let a family of strangers stay in your house?

I suppose I would. I don't know for how long, but yes, I would at the very least consider it. I'd want someone to do that for me.

2.) How often do you watch porn?

Not very often... porn in and of itself is not exactly mind-blowing, riveting viewing. If I want to really watch something, I will watch a movie. Porn is a great way to get the ball rolling for some really amazing sex. Maybe that is not the right thing to say, but after 19 years with the same person, well... sometimes a spark to fan into a blazing conflagration is just what you need!

3.) How many people have naked or semi-naked pictures of you?

Ye gods, anyone who has worked at the New York Renaissance has them! Ha, ha, ha - it's true! I never had hang ups with nudity. And when you work the NYRF as long as I had, with my general personality, you'd understand my feeling that my breasts are public property. I know that no one has what are called "beaver shots" of me. I've never had any taken that-- hmmmm. Well... that had my face in them or could be tied to me by any birthmarks! Who has not had photos taken of themselves? Why not?

4.) When having sex with someone, have you ever fantasized about someone else? If yes, explain why you were thinking of someone else during sex.

Would you believe me if I said no? Of course not, I would not believe me either. Anyone who tells you otherwise is full of it, too. Why? Well, let's revisit that 19 years with the same partner thing (it came up in the post prior to this one).

5.) Is there ever an appropriate time to lie to someone and push yourself off as single when truthfully you're not?

Good question. The reverse is certainly easily explained. But to say you are single when not but not looking to "outsource" something or abrogate your marriage vows? I don't know. When would that be appropriate?

6.) Who is one person who has changed your life and how did they change things for you?

Many, many people have contributed to the person I am now. I don't have that kind of time on my hands to answer this in detail.

7.) How comfortable are you in bed with your current significant other? Do they know all your kinks or do you tend to hold back? Why?

Uh, you are kidding me, right? Nearly two decades together has worked out any discomfort with one another. I don't hold back, no. It is not in my nature to do so anyway.


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