The Best and The Worst

1. What was the best thing that happened to you this week?

Sitting with my manager was the absolutely best thing that happened. Absolutely! (I have to use last week, as this week is only one day old!)

2. What was the worst thing that happened this week?

I'm thinking... I don't know. I can't think of anything really bad. That's good, right?

3. Describe an item of clothing that has definitely seen better days but that you refuse to dispose of and still wear. Why won't you toss it?

I have a dress with spaghetti straps, buttons down the front that flares out and looks great with a little shirt under it (otherwise the decolletage is too low). It's a little worn, but mostly the issue is one of size, not worn-ness. I love it. Once I get down to the right size, then I will wear it - all the time!

4. Have you ever lied about your age?

Never. I never drank so there was no reason to lie about it then. My grandmother used to say that she was "39 and holding" to everyone. Did she really think that none of us could guess at her true age? Once when I was 12 we had to give the hospital staff information on my grandfather and that inevitable means date of birth. She gave the administrator his day and month but not the year, so naturally the admin prompted her for the year of birth. My grandmother looked at me and back at her/him. Clearly the message was meaningless to the staff or they did not care, because I had no trouble discerning the whispered year. It did take me a while to do the math, however!

Long story short: lying about one's age is a stupid and pointless thing. I'm not deluded to my aging.

5. Would you rather be behind the scenes or in the spotlight?

Hard to give one definitive answer for this. Sometimes I am very happy to be behind the scenes and not be noticed at all and other times I absolutely want to be in the limelight! It is a situational thing, and so cannot be answered as a general question. At least, not by me!

6. Where was your first out-of-country trip? How was it?

My first and only out of country trip was to the British Isles. How was it? I'd max the space out on my blog if I tired to tell all about how unbelievably amazing it was!

7. Do you like surprises? If yes what kinds? If no, why not?

Again, situational. I do love surprise gifts. I don't know about other surprises. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

8. Have you ever had sex with two different people on the same day?

Yes. Clean up is very important. And no, not at the same time.

9. Which do you prefer, the sunrise or the sunset?

Oh, sunrise, definitely. Both are beautiful. But the sunrise is a new start, a fresh beginning. We all need those.


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