The War on... Porn?

I, as usual, agree with Penn & Teller.

This is not unusual, since we seem to think alike on many, many issues. They've addressed quite a few different topics, many of which we agreed with. This is one of them. I see the value pornography and the three stooges (ask Penn, not me) who argued against porn are idiots. It serves a purpose - a good one - and while you shouldn't have your five year old watch it, what's wrong with seeking out a great orgasm? Since when is that a crime? Who doesn't want to have a great orgasm?

The people fighting against porn, who probably couldn't get laid if they drugged someone up and fed them all the right drugs, seemed to find ways (completely unacceptable) to tie it in to rape. Rape is a domination crime and has nothing to do with sex. Sex is the tool used to dominate, but other than that, there is no connection. Take it from one who knows.

When I was 17 I was date raped. This is a fact, not a pity party. Wondering why I'm so open about sex and sexuality? I am well aware of the fact that I did nothing to engender that sort of behaviour. It was a horrifying experience. It sucked. It was not pleasurable and it was not good. I took time off from dealing with the human race - especially the male third (you did know that the population is nearly 2/3 women, right? By rights, we should be raping you men!). I got over it...

...most men are not at all like that. I work in a place that is primarily men. They're all wonderful. They all mean the world to me. And men I've known and men I will know are wonderful, too. Men are great. That one cretin is by no means indicative of all of the men.

Back to porn. Porn is not for everyone. Nothing is for everyone... Well, wait. There are certain things that all people need. We all need sustinence, we all need oxygen, we all need daylight. We need to do certain physical things. Other than that, we are not all of a piece and we are not all into the same things. I appreciate porn, and I feel strongly that it has a use and a purpose in society. I think prostitution, does, too. I think sexuality is normal and healthy and some of us, for whatever reason, are less fortunate in this area than others. For them, porn and/or prostitution fills a need. For others, they just love sex, and this is a great outlet for that. But whatever the reason, porn has its place.

I don't listen to Howard Stern. I never have and I never will. (Well, never say "never"... it is highly unlikely that I will ever listen to him.) That is my option. So I turn off the radio station that has him. Very simple, very easy.

Same principle applies here. If I don't want to watch porn, I will change the channel or turn off the tape. It's so painless and easy. Just like that, boop, it's gone! Appreciate the things you love and don't do the things you don't but don't insert your worldview on me and tell me this is the only correct thing.


And don't spout stupid things about porn "objectifying" women. Those women aren't feeling that way, they are doing this for a living. And many do find it quite satisfying - dare I say enjoyable? But believe me, you men hardly have the market cornered on objectifying - we do it, too! And why not? Why not say that some guy is hot? Any less objectifying than women in posters or porn or anything else?

Go porn!


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