A Great Trip to the Dentist!

As it happens, I do love my dentist, Dr. Berdj Feredjian, and his staff. He's a nut. He sings while doing dental work! And the rest of the staff are all fun, lovely and intelligent people. You can't ask for more than that... unless you want free dental work, but how likely is that?

It's easy to gripe about going to the dentist. I rarely hear people say, "Hey, I have my dental appointment today, how cool is that?" I don't think I have ever said that. I do tell people about my dentist and that he is great, but I do have to say that this is a strange choice of career. I wouldn't want to spend my days tiptoeing through peoples' mouths! Yuck.

However, I won't let anyone else tiptoe through mine. I don't say that about just anyone. And the gods know, he has the patience of a saint, being my dentist! I don't take good care of my teeth. This is not a mystery, folks, so don't be surprised. Some day I will reach a point where I take good enough care of them to get them bonded or something so that they aren't so awful to look upon. For now, however, I haven't reached that level.

The great news is that with my much-lowered sugar intake, I have not had a cavity in over a year! That is incredible. Sure, I know that sugar definitely contributes to tooth decay, but I never thought about it as I'm not good about the basics of toothcare anyway. But it is certainly a part of the equation. Pretty amazing. If I took good care of them, I'd have an indestructible mouth.

Well... probably not.

But it sounds good, right!

If you are wondering about his name, it is Armenian. Oh, yes, you know me - I asked!


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