Saturday 9: What You Notice

1. What is the first thing you notice about a person (that you are attracted to) when you meet them?

Usually the eyes, but I will admit that I have a "thing" for chins! A good squared chin with a nice little cleft is a very sexy thing!

2. What has been your worst illness or injury?

Getting struck by an SUV whilst on foot was my worst trauma. Worst illness? Hands down: muscular dystrophy.

3. Have you ever had a secret crush and then told the person? If yes, how did it go?

Yes to both. I've a coworker who for whatever reason is very physically appealling to me. Must be pheremones...! I did tell that individual. It is always flattering to know that someone thinks you are attractive. And it is okay, because I'm clearly not in a position (in several ways) to pursue it. And the sexy creature is not interested in me.

4. What was the last drink that you ordered at a pub or a bar?

I actually had something to drink last night. A Fuzzy Navel with no ice. It was pretty good. Previous to that, the last drink I had was a Coors Light in Carlos, Texas at the Yankee Tavern for bikers. It was awful tasting but so much fun to be there, in a biker bar, having a beer! Best drink I have ever had! (Thanks a million, Craig!)

5. What car have you owned that was your favorite?

My current one, a 2001 Acura CL type S 3.2L. It is very sexy. Second favourite car was my first one: a black 1977 Chevy Camaro. All front engine, huge 8 cylinder that could go super fast! It was rear wheel drive, though, so it was terrible in any kind of weather. I do miss it, though.

6. What is your favorite holiday?

My favourite holiday is Beltaine, 1 May. It is a fertility holiday. Samhain is a very close second.

7. Have you ever had sex with someone that in retrospect was (and stayed) a stranger?

A total stranger? No. A guy at Ren Faire that I knew casually (very causally) when he was just engaged, yes. And he is still a mostly unknown person.

8. Who is your favorite female singer?

Hmmm. That is a tough one. I'd say Dar Williams.

9. How often do you read the newspaper?

I don't. I'm much happier that way!


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