The Pleasure of Questions - Another Meme!

From Mary Says... blog: "Presented by Jules on a lovely silver platter over at Just Because..., here's another fun Meme! If you like, you may take it to your blog and do one for yourself and let me know so I can come by and read it!"

1. What does your name mean?

Aislinge is Gaelic and translates into "a vision or dream". Kellogg is Cornish for "butcher" - kill-hog. Isn't that something?

2. Where was your profile picture taken?

At the hairdresser's place.

3. What is your current relationship status?

POSSLQ - Person of Opposite Sex Sharing Same Living Quarters. I say married, though - 18 years together - whether or not New Jersey recognises common law marriage - is married. New Jersey does not, but I don't worry about such things. We've been together longer than more than half the weddings we've been to. There is a direct and inverse relationship between the amount of money spent and the size of a wedding to the length of the marriage.

4. Honestly, does your crush like you back?

My crush? Uh, I don't know :). My husband does, though!

5. What's your current mood?

Surprisingly, happy. I'm always a happy person, but this month was off to a poor start and it has taken me most of June to really recover and bounce back to myself from it.

6. What do you like to do the most?

That is never as easy as any one thing. I love my job. I love doing EMS. I love reading, blogging, take pictures, watching movies and listening to music.

7. What makes you happy?

That is a mighty long list. You might ask what doesn't. Or you might ask me this at all different moments and get all sorts of answers... Many things do. A sunrise. The Moon shining upon the earth. The beauty of everyday living. A great piece of music. Reading about Apollo 11's historic journey and landing on the Moon. Seeing a planet through my telescope. Great sex. The list is endless.

8. If you could go back and change something, would you?

No. Never. The experiences I have, the good, the bad, the painful and the joyous, are all what make me me. I need those memories, those experiences, to remain Aislinge Kellogg, to grow and develop and become a better me.

9. If you MUST be an animal for one day, what would you be?

Wow. Any animal? Hmmm. This requires some thought. I'll come back to this one.
OK. I would be a platypus. A male platypus. Weird, cute, fuzzy and unbelievably poisonous - the most poisonous mammal on the planet!

10. Something you do a lot?

Blog. Read. Listen to music.

11. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?

Coldplay's Viva La Vida. Lyrics are on this blog under that name. Excellent song!

12. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?

Good gods, no. Why scar people for life? I've no singing voice.

13. Name someone with the same birthday as you.

1961 Wayne Gretzky (hockey player)
1958 Anita Baker (singer)
1958 Ellen DeGeneres (actress, comedienne)
1955 Eddie Van Halen (rock singer)
1953 Lucinda Williams (singer, songwriter)
1951 Calvin Jones (football)
1946 Gene Siskel (film critic)
1944 Angela Davis (activist, writer, teacher)
1942 Scott Glenn (actor)
1935 Bob Uecker (baseballer, announcer, joker)
1929 Jules Feiffer (cartoonist, playwright)

14. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

I love the opposite sex in all of its forms, but I would say immediately would be eyes - the windows to the soul.

15. What do you usually order from Starbucks?

Nothing. I prefer Dunkin' Donuts' hot white chocolate, but mostly I drink Crystal Light raspberry lemonade mix in water and Twinings Lady Grey decaf hot tea.

16. What is your favorite smell?

Oh, tricky and subjective question. The smell of Luis. It's intoxicating.


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