Saturday 9: Summer Movies and Oil (6.21.08)

My name is Samantha Winters, but my friends call me Crazy Sam! First let me acknowledge that we changed our header to match the one that so many of you are all ready using. Let me know where it originated so I can credit our player! So, welcome to Saturday: 9.

We describe our blog as Just A Silly Meme Every Saturday. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions EVERY Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Summer Movies and Oil

1. The other day I purchased gas for $3.96, which was less than the $4.37 my local station charges per gallon. What is the current gas price in your area for regular?

Normally for now, regular is $3.89. I have an Acura, and it only takes high-test, so the norm is $4.29 but Hess charges $4.17, so I go there. I am an EMT and the rigs all take diesel - $4.80/gallon. It is insane.

2. Will your vacation plans be altered by the price of gas?

Possibly, but not likely. I am not going to leave my job because of gas prices, so vacations, which I don't get many, will unlikely be affected that way.

3. Is there any movie this summer that you're looking forward to seeing?

Mmmm... I don't know. I already saw Iron Man. I suppose the latest Will Smith movie with him as a superhero.

4. Gas prices aside, what is your favorite vacation destination?

I have been to many great places. I would say my favourite vacation destination is the one I have not yet been to visit.

5. Will you watch more film on DVD than in theaters this summer?

Yes. There are few movies coming out that I wish to see.

6. Will you fly anywhere this summer?

This summer? I haven't any current plans to do so. I usually vacation in the autumn, but it is more often than not a road trip.

7. Guess: How high will a gallon of gas peak at?

Gads. Why do I want to do that? It is depressing!
I'm thinking around $5.00 a gallon.

8. Will gas prices effect who you vote for in this fall's election?

I don't know that it will. I am skeptical of both finalists and have little to no faith in anything they say or perport stand for.

9. How much will the price of home heating oil effect you?

The price of home heating oil will not directly effect me. We have gas service. However, the gas companies are unhappy that the oil companies are managing to charge the $4+ to people who have oil based heat. But they will all too soon be jumping on that band wagon. However, while we cannot do too much about this, we have just flipped the switch to our solar panels to generating electricity to bring our electric usage down and to be more "green".


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