Saturday 9: The One Song

1. Name the one song that reminds you of your most current or recent relationship.

Oh, boy. I guess... um... I love music - there are a gazillion songs. Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra.

2. Name the one song that was way overplayed and you hate.

Again, way too many to count. I have to think about it...

3. Name the one song it seems everyone loves but you don’t.

What, now? I don't listen to the radio!

4. Name the one song you think everyone hates but you love.

No idea. Back to that "I don't listen to the radio" thing.

5. Name the one song that is sung by someone you’d love to date.

Some one I would love to date? I'd love to have tea and a conversation with Jonathan Coulton, but I'm not really interested in dating any performers.

6. Name the one song this season that was sung best on American Idol.

I can't - I don't watch that stuff at all.

7. Name the one song that you think is the best love song of the 00s thus far.

Best song for the 2000s. Code Monkey by Jonathan Coulton.

8. Name the one song that you think was the best 90s song.

I will say Special by Garbage.

9. Name the one song from a TV theme that you like the best.

Grissom's Overture from CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.


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