A Huge Error and Musing About Alcohol
When I screw up, I really screw up big. I can't really talk about it, but I screwed up and I need to fix it - and I am not confident at this point that I can. I am not going to find that confidence any time too soon. It isn't hiding under my desk with the answer to why I screwed up, and on such an enormous scale. I have three aspects to my job and two of them seem to be problem areas for me. What a track record that is. The musing that I do is that I don't understand why people drink alcohol when they are upset or something is wrong. I am a tiny bit drunk (I don't feel drunk, but I had some miniscule amount of vodka in my juice (at first I filled the gass not quite half way. We are talking about a six ounce glass, not a dinner glass. I mixed it with Fresca. YOWZA. WAY, way, way too strong! I dumped about half of that out and put juice in there with it. That was a little better, but it still needed less, so I dumped more out. By that time, we are looking at maybe an oun...