
Showing posts from August, 2005

Future Topics...

Some things that simply must come up in future postings: George Chris My kitties The New York Renaissance Festival Nudity Human Sexuality Flexible Morality Favourite Movies CSI And a multitude of other things. I also take requests!

Time For A GOOD RANT...

I need to rant. As it happens, a good friend of mine who has been keeping up with my blog has put in a request for a rant. So I thought about it but really, the day was mild, life has been sort of calm, nothing too distressing has been happening. So, nothing really came to mind. And then... ...I went to fill up my gas tank after work... tick... tick.... tick..... tick...... KABOOM! I went nuts. I did not take it out on the gas attendant. Let's face it, he is making next to nothing to pump gas for a lot of really angry people. But I was flabberghasted . I was ready to jump out and pummel something - anything - because the high test gas was $3.09 a gallon! YIKES! I remember when I was 19 and first driving and having to scrape up $3.00 to put in my tank - however, at that time, the same $3.00 got me five gallons of gas! Now it wouldn't GET ME ONE LOUSY GALLON! And why the hell shouldn't I rant about that? We watch the prices go up. When I was hiking my cookies up to Sussex Cou...

Why Is It I Can't Have The One I Want?

Why is it that at another job I was on, there was an absolutely delicious supervisor, and he wasn't the one who showed an interest? Where is that fair? If this particular individual, with the most amazing blue eyes, had walked up to me and said, "My place, eight o'clock, bring yourself and a smile" I would not have hesitated! I would have shown up grinning like the cat that ate the canary... pardon me if I burp up a couple of yellow feathers... Oops. And I was being quite forgiving... he may not have met the height requirement. Men ha ve to be at least 6 feet (2 metres) in height for me to be interested. Well. No. That person was married - as if that little detail stops anyone - but he never made so much as an inappropriate comment. Neither did I, even if mentally I was calculating how many seconds it would take me to remove the buttons on that white shirt... with my teeth... Well. As you can see, nothing happened. If I ran into him now, he'd be a furiously blus...

Death - Who Needs It? Part One

While I am delighted to be alive - and ever since my accident I appreciate it each and every day - I am not sure what benefit death brings. Certainly for the survivors it brings none. While the money (when there is some) may be nice, what price can you put on your parents? Grandparents? Best friends? Boss? Crewmate?Anyone? You can't. I suppose, if your depth of feeling wasn't too much or it was negative, you could. My paternal grandmother: $1.98. My paternal grandfather: priceless. (Yes, I am distinctly making fun of that Visa or Mastercard ad.) But in truth, my grandmother was a vindictive, hateful, controlling woman who hit her son with knitting needles (no, not Ray; this is my biolagical father, Harry) and ruled the roost with a fist of iron. My grandfather was not all goodness and light - he was quite puscillanimous (look it up - you'll love it and the dictionary should always be your best friend), but he was a wonderful, sweet, intelligent man with nanny-goats (anecdot...

The Last Two Days

22 & 23 August 2005 I'm very happy to say that for the next three and a half weeks I will be employed, a nice assignment not too far from home and in my field. Life is too good! I feel great about it. It gives me hope and makes me feel that I am valuable. And every experience adds to my knowledge and marketability. Yesterday I was up around 08:00, and showered and dressed around 09:30. My best friend The Phantom Who Knows All and Publishes (hereafter referred to as Phantom) showed up and we stopped to check on my very pregnant friend Quilt-Queen. She has been having some mild gestational hypertension and I have been checking her between once and twice a day to track her blood pressure. It is a little high, but holding steady. I know she's really struggling with it, but she is working hard to keep herself healthy for herself, the baby and our best friend, Flyboy. After that, Phantom and I headed down to Seaside Heights, about 1.5 hours from here. I love - love more than anyt...

A Day in My Life

21 August 2005 I always think that my life is boring by comparison (comparison to whom I am not sure...) but it seems to be that I do more "living" than many people. This is sad for other people, unless they can truly say that they are contented. I may not be living in a way that others want to, but I am living - most of the time. I will admit to using some time unwisely but as long as I am happy with it, then it's all good. Any way, this day has been a mix of really living and wasting some time. I suspect that the down time was needed, however, and so it was not truly a waste. In any event, here is today: Some time after midnight, Rescue & Recovery got a call, but all I heard was "Standby, Car 69" and tones... no message. More brilliance thanks to the township vetoeing the new communications tower... At 05:00 we had a call. It was routine, nothing special. I am surprised and very pleased with the crew I am a part of - even though they both worked today and ...

First Topic: 40-Year-Old Virgins

Okay, who comes up with this stuff? Sadly, while I am a supreme snob and normally am found nose deep in a novel (no romance, thank you), my monthly Discover and National Geographic magazines, I also can be found, with the most common of shoppers, buying the weekly rag, People. I suppose it really is not a rag. Certainly it is much, much higher on the intelligent reading list than things like "Enquirer" and "Sun Times", which is nothing I would ever stoop to. I also disavow any knowledge of Luis on those rare but embarrassing occasions that he browses them at the check-out stand in the food store. But People is not that low. It is not terribly high, either. What can I say? We all have our little idiosyncrasies. Here is one of mine. At any rate, since People never prints my letters and I am one who likes to bludgeon others with my opinions, here it is... Baby's First Blog, to do so. Let the fun begin. I certainly don't have any objection to others who wish to ...

All About Me/Basic Tr'aislinge Blog Rules

Yes, that's me - Aislinge. The "traislinge" thing will be explained at a later date (everlasting love and thanks to "Smells" for that one) but it is not a put-down. The other person there is my husband, Luis, who will get (willingly and un-) a lot of mention. I should explain that Luis and I have been together for nearly 16 years now (we consider our anniversary 22 March [1990]). We are not legally married. I am not religious and therefore not bound by any ecclasiastic reasons to be bound to anyone, however, the legal marriage is not there either. However, calling Luis my "boyfriend" is patently ridiculous and just a little tepid. We have been together longer than many married couples and have been to a few weddings that have since ended rather acrimoniously... so. You see where "boyfriend" simply doesn't work. He is not my "domestic partner" and he is not my "little friend" (a grndmother's description) and certain...