Okay, who comes up with this stuff? Sadly, while I am a supreme snob and normally am found nose deep in a novel (no romance, thank you), my monthly Discover and National Geographic magazines, I also can be found, with the most common of shoppers, buying the weekly rag, People. I suppose it really is not a rag. Certainly it is much, much higher on the intelligent reading list than things like "Enquirer" and "Sun Times", which is nothing I would ever stoop to. I also disavow any knowledge of Luis on those rare but embarrassing occasions that he browses them at the check-out stand in the food store. But People is not that low. It is not terribly high, either. What can I say? We all have our little idiosyncrasies. Here is one of mine. At any rate, since People never prints my letters and I am one who likes to bludgeon others with my opinions, here it is... Baby's First Blog, to do so. Let the fun begin. I certainly don't have any objection to others who wish to ...