George Chris

Where do I start with George? Everyone should have a friend like this. Even though we have not been as close as we once were long, long ago, I still regard him as one of my closest friends. I'm not really sure how we drifted apart. But I remember how we met and how much fun we had.
We met right around this time of year when I was 17, starting my senior year in high school. I had met Julie, a new kid who was either a freshman or a sophomore in my school. She was great - very petite with large green eyes and a very punk hair cut and wore clothing very similar to mine. When I began doing the punk thing in high school no one had seen that before. I was definitely way out there to them. But Julie came along and she was way out there too. We got to be friendly - me with my half-shave head and blonde tail and purple hair in the front and her with her short spiky hair with blonde pieces and the heavy eye liner. We hung from time to time. And one day she had me over to meet some friends.

It was three people from Passaic County - Gemma, her boyfriend (whose name, oddly enough, I cannot recall, and George. Gemma and I hit it off initially and so did I with her boyfriend. George and I hit it off even more. But to me, at the time, he was an adult, not a quasi-adult like we were. He was 24 and so grown-up - his parents didn't hassle him and he had a car. I did not even drive then.

By the end of that night, Gemma hated me, I had made semi-friends with her boyfriend (the reason she hated me, ironically) and George and I were fast friends. After that, I was never home. We hung out all the time. We did everything together. Most fondly I remember how we'd go to his house (his parents were rarely around) and we put on movies - Highlander, LadyHawke, etc, and sit around for HOURS drawing. It was a magical thing. We also were doodling and drawing and doing artistic things. We had a great time.

He also took me up to the Renaissance Festival when I was 18, and look what that started! I am working there for my 19th year now. Thanks, Mordred!

He and I would also take pictures. Well, he took pictures of me - two different sets at two different times. Some are purely artistic and I could post them on here but some were lewd. Actually they were all quite artsy. But some were less dressed than others. I wish I looked like that now, though. I had a great body back then. A nudie shot of me now would scare people!

But now I see George a few times a year, all during the eight weeks that is the Renaissance Festival. After that I don't see or hear from him nor him from me. We keep saying we will be in touch but we never are. I don't know why that is. Some day, though, I would like to think we will be.

Here's to my future with George in it!


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