Can the Love be Real If the Flowers are Fake?

Hmmm. My take on weddings are much the same. Fake flowers, cheese factor is super-high, tackiness everywhere. What does this actually accomplish? I really don't know. I've been to a million weddings and they just get worse and worse as time goes on. I guess while most people are wrapped up in "showing" everyone else how deep their love is, I'm thinking that many, many couples (especially the women) are missing the point of this. This is sharing a moment of starting a new life with someone but somehow weddings seem to turn into grandstanding!

What is the point of this? And why do men let this happen? Why don't they stand up to the crazy women and say, "Whoa, whoa, what is the big deal? It's just a wedding!" But men seem to be afraid of women planning weddings and don't say anything.

And women! This is the biggest day of your life? Really? Is your life so empty and meaningless that this is the be-all and end-all of everything? Oh, come now. Life should be full of wonderful moments. Full - every single day should bring happiness and living life to the fullest. Living it to the most. Getting a new job, accomplishing something great, getting my EMT certification. Buying the first house. Moving into the first house. Buying the second house. Moving into the second house. Getting my car. Discovering new friends. Firing a rotten person, hiring a great person! Life is loaded with magic moments! My first life saved. The first life lost - oh, yes, living life to the fullest means experiencing and remembering the lows, too. Complete people have that - the good, the bad and the ugly. All of it.

So if your wedding is the only amazing moment in life, you need to really get out of the house and start living life!


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