Remember "Just Thinking Aloud"?

I actually do, too.

However, I do NOT at all remember "More Thinking About Gender - From 19 Feb" (posted this past Sunday). Not even a little. I'm very happy with it. I seem to have been writing exceptionally well that night. But it was written after I took my Ambien and I recall absolutely NOTHING of writing it. Nothing. I am thinking that it is time to set up an appointment with my doctor and start the weening process, because I would like my brain back, thank you very much!

More distressing, when I read it I realised that I have no idea who made the comment about my original gender musings... How sad it that? I clearly knew who the perpetrator was when I wrote the posting! I am scaring myself. A lot!

I'm sure you are wondering what the possible benefits are to this. I take it so that I have a full night's sleep under my pillow for the next day. I only take Sunday through Wednesday nights. (I certainly cannot ride and take this - and I suffer for it on Friday). The thing is, I wake up feeling great - refreshed, awake, ready to go and I feel that way all day. I can function super-well and this is the value of a full night of sleep (for myself I need 8 full hours; back in 1991 I was sick, really sick, for several weeks, around four months. I had all sorts of weird symptoms and one of the lasting effects was needing 10 - 11 hours of sleep per night. It was crazy. In the last seven or eight years it has dropped back to a more normal 8 hours).

What started this was a profound lack of sleep due to Luis' mega-decibel snoring. I actually lost one job due to not being able to focus and get things done and then I became testy about it - not my normal MO. Turns out that the cause was lack of sleep and it did not take a brain surgeon to figure out why my sleep was poor. After exhausting all sorts of options, I asked my doctor for help on this.

Unfortunately I will have to wait until my next vacation to wean myself off of this - I don't want to not sleep for several work nights in a row if that is the price to be paid... that would not be worth it.

It's time for the RNFAS monthly meeting and I have to go. This is not actually what was upsetting me earlier... THAT is still upsetting and at some point I will talk about it (much as I do many things...) and then maybe I will be better able to wrap my mind around it. But this thing... with my memory... something else to be upset about.



Anonymous said…
I am writing a book about secrets and I am trying to incorporate secrets from all over the world. It's easy and it's a chance to be part of a great a book. Just write your secret up to a thousand words. Sign it with an annonymous name, age and city/state you are from. Mail it to P.O. box 389243 Cincinnat Ohio 45238. Do not use your real name or any business names. They will not be used! Your secret can be as innocent or as dark as you want it to be. Tell your friends and family and anyone else who may want to do this. All secrets must be received by July 1st 2006. look for the book titled "Sshhh it's a secret" subtitled " confessions of the soul" in 2007. Thanks for everything! once I recieve your name I will post it on my website so you know I have your letter. it's

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