An Email Meme (Someone E-mailed it to Me)

Where is your cell phone? It is sitting ignored in my bag.

Your significant other? He is laying ignored in bed...

Your hair? Dark brown with a lot of dark red/burgundy

Your mother? Bedridden. Or did you mean hair colour? It would be completely white but she has it dyed.

Your father? Bald, like my husband, who is laying in bed ignored...

Your favorite thing? My iPod, what else? Maybe my camera... it is a toss-up...

Your dream last night? You know, I did have a weird one. I was dreaming about our Major Medical changes, but also about driving the ambulance and I was turning around via a jug handle on Route 80 and my right knee kept banging against something that was sharp and cutting up the skin. I awoke to find the cat sticking her claws under the blanking and clawing up my right knee!

Your favorite drink? Room temperature water with cran-each flavour in it.

Your dream/goal? To be happy... which I am!

What room are you in? I'm in the living room, listening to Spock vs. Q on my iPod.

Your favorite hobby? Blogging/Facebook

Your fear? Having to give up my jobs because of the MD

Where do you want to be in 6 years? Right here, just a bit wiser and a life member of the squad. I'd also like to be svelte...

Where were you last night? Car 65/69 Wetdown - lots of fun!

Something that you aren't? Subtle

Muffins? Only banana walnut and not very often at all

Wish list item? Ummmm... It is about two miles long.

Last thing you did? I went outside to stand in the sunshine and see the tiny bits of blue sky between clouds. There has been tons of rain and clouds.

What are you wearing? My squad shirt (one of many) and EMT pants...

TV? I'm not watching it, if that is what you meant. It is a 61" RCA HDTV. Luis is into size...

Your pets? Siobhan is here in the livingroom.

Friends? Can you be more specific? One best friend, two work friends and many coworkers, 328 friends on Facebook (how? No idea!), and some old, old friends. Some squad friends. I get on well with most people.

Your life? Magickal

Your mood? Happy, satisfied

Missing someone? Not at the moment

Drinking? Water with Cran-peach flavour

Smoking? Never. I'm a militant anti-smoker

Your car? Sexy... it's a two-door silver Acura CL Type S

Something you're not wearing? Earrings, my watch, socks...

Your favorite store? Hmmmm. No idea. I'm not shopping at the moment.

Your favorite color? Deep burgundy

When is the last time you cried? When we saw the movie Up, about two weeks ago. The time before that was after the fatality on Route 80, near Montville on the Parsippany border.

Who will resend this? No idea.

Where do you go to over and over? Well, the Club. The Squad house. Am I supposed to think of something else?

Five people who email me regularly? Um, let's see... Facebook, A Word A Day, the US Geological Survey, junk e-mailers and at work, it's some HR Consulting company

Favorite place to eat? Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. We were there last Saturday.

Favorite place I'd like to be at right now? Montana!

Four people I think will respond I think Greg (amidst complaining how he has no time), Mary, Daniela and I'm not sure who else...


Anonymous said…
Four people I think will respond I think Greg (amidst complaining how he has no time), Mary, Daniela and I'm not sure who else...
Whaddaya mean? Not only did I find the TIME to read this, I found the TIME to reply. BLEH

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