Satruday 9: Never Say Never Again

Saturday 9: Never Say Never Again
1. Do you like James Bond films? If yes, what’s your favorite? I'm not really much of a James Bond fan. Some of the movies are okay. The last one in the theatres was the most expensive nap I ever took. It was boring, it was long, but I saw the opening credits and the closing credits and slept through the rest of it. Now, if you want to discuss animated movies...

2. Are you daring enough to go snorkeling in the water fountain at the mall? Not unless I suddenly have a size 8 body...

3. Do you sometimes hate everything and everyone around you? No. I get a little down sometimes, but not like that. What would be the point?

4. Do you secretly or openly believe the world revolves around you? I'd like to think that from time to time, but no, I know better. So I am unperturbably happy for the most part, because it is always better to be grounded and really, if the world revolved around you, it would suck.

5. Would you rather buy a moped or a Harley Davidson? Is there really a choice here? Moped? Seriously, who wants to be castrated by driving a thing like that? Harleys, now, that's a whole different kettle of fish!

6. Do you water ski or ice ski? I don't do any kind of skiing. I think legs are best when unbroken!

7. Tell us about the last time that you tailgated. What, really? I back off the moment I realise I'm too close. I have being tailgated and wonder where the local constabulary is when someone does it to me. I don't tailgate, I don't play "musical lanes" and I don't use my cell phone while driving. Ever. I do speed, but not crazy amounts.

8. What was the last concert that you attended? I went to see Pink Martini on Tuesday with a good friend of mine, Greg. It was wonderful! They are great. And they are releasing two new CDs - one in October 2009 (my favourite month, too) and one in April 2010. YAHOO!

9. What’s the most exotic food that you’ve ate? Okay, that would be "eaten", not "ate". Seriously, people disappoint me all the time with their lack of mastery over their one and (likely) only language.

What was the question? Oh, yes... Um... well... Shit, I hardly eat normal foods, and you want to know the most exotic thing I have eaten? Maybe hummus. Hardly exotic, I know, but I won't touch weird foods.


Anonymous said…
James Bond is Great(even when Roger Moore played him) Yes Pink Martini was fun,dammed small seats!

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