Saturday Six: Episode #270

Here are this week’s “Saturday Six” questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your blog…but either way, leave a link to your site so that everyone else can visit! If you repost the questions on your site, you must link back to this site as the source.

1. What is the dominant color in your bathroom? Have you coordinated rugs, towels and the shower curtain to match this color? The main bath, which is mine, is mostly blue; the ensuite bathroom, which is Luis', is brown. Both are very circa 1960s. His shower has a glass door; mine, a mild, nondescript greenish white curtain that matches any bathroom.

2. What part of the bathroom needs the most attention from a cleaning crew? None, the cleaning crew comes every other Monday.

3. How many rolls of unused toilet paper are waiting in the closet? Uh... um... how embarrassing. I buy 'em in bulk at Costco, so many - many, many, many - in mine. Just the four to six that fit in easy reach are in Luis' bathroom, as it is a much smaller room.

4. Check out the linen closet: which do you have fewest of: bath towels, hand towels or wash cloths? Hand towels. I find them a waste.
5. Take the quiz: What Bathroom Product Are You?
How clean is your bathroom? Be honest!
It's very dirty
It's sparkling clean
It's been cleaned recently
It's a little messy, but it's sanitary
It's clean enough for guests

What scent shampoo are you the most likely to use?

If you had to paint your bathroom a new color, it would be:
You'd paint stripes

What flavor toothpaste appeals to you most?
Vanilla mint
Baking soda

What do you like best in your bathroom?
The toilet
The bath
The mirror
The shower
The sink

You Are Shampoo
You are refreshing and cheerful. You don't hold on to a lot of baggage in life. You are a true optimist. For you, every day is a fresh start.

You are confident and bold. You are proud of who you are, simple as that. You are passionate about life and its possibilities. You don't hold back.

I had no idea that shampoo was passionate about life. My shampoo just lathers and cleans my hair...

6. Of the products in your medicine cabinet, which brand have you used the longest? Good gods... I've no idea. I-- wait. I know. In the shower and my bathroom closet, Pantene hair products; shampoo and conditioner. Oh, but that is not my medicine cabinet. Hmmm. I'll have to go look. Sheesh. Hold on...

Q-tip cottom swabs. I buy those in huge things, too.


Patrick said…
Thanks for playing and welcome back! You've been missed as well!

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