Crushed By Inaccurate Weathermen!

We were supposed to get 10" - 14" of snow.

Then we were supposed to get 8" - 12" of snow.

Then it became 6" - 10".

When I woke up at 0300, there was not a stitch of snow anywhere. When I woke up again at 0730, there was still not a stitch of snow. Not even a dusting.

The forecast reads under a half inch of snow.

I guess nothing counts as "under a half inch of snow".

I hate weathermen. All that excitement, all those forecasts of snow, and NOTHING happened. Not that it is that wonderful to have snow, but despite the work and inconvenience of snow removal, it is so much prettier than the dull, monochromatic landscape that is the winter look. Snow would have hidden all the ugly browns and tan, dormant grass. Now we still have the same boring look. I'm crushed.


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