Celebrity Apprentice Coming to a Close

We are watching the most recently aired Celebrity Apprentice and how disappointing that Clint's team did not win. Their advert for Chicken of the Sea was by and far the best. Even if you take out the musical side, their advert was just so much better.

And Annie, after she won, really showed how personal and poorly she took the major snubbing she took at Joan's hands. Maybe she should feel bitter about it, but she pointed out several times that Joan was personal and she wasn't. Wrong. She clearly took it personally.

I have to say now, watching Brande meet with Piers, he went right in for the kill: he thinks what I think, that she is an idiot. She couldn't spell "crap"! She said to Piers that she was bright and I said, "Only her hair."

When he met with Joan, she was great. She stood right up for herself and remained steadfast in her summation of Annie Duke. I think Annie is a snake but calling anyone worse than Adolf Hitler is a wee strong. But Joan is amazing.

Annie is meeting with Piers. He is right out there again, being obvious. He immediately went in for the kill, saying that she's not popular. True. But he is right about one thing; she doesn't shut up.

Piers pointed out that Jesse James hasn't brought in a dime despite being married to one of the world's richest and most attractive women (Sandra Bullock). Well, he is right... but somehow, Jesse made it to the top four. I don't think he and Brande will survive this.

It's hard to blog as I'm watching this.

Donald, Ivanka and Donald Jr. all hammered Brande. It is clear that Brande has skated through this show and she did, as Ivanka pointed out, ride on Annie's coattails. And she was fired. Thank the gods... I'd be disappointed to see someone so clueless get to the top two out of three other clearly intelligent people.

Next week will really be interesting!


CrystalChick said…
I don't watch this show. I do sort of like the Trumps. Not sure exactly why. I've read a couple of his books.

We watched the recap episode and then the 2 hour season finale of LOST last night. Next year is the last year. It's an interesting show and we got hooked the second year. Between the first and second episode that year, we watched ALL of season 1 thinking that we'd need to know it all. Turns out, it's STILL just as confusing.

I have finally managed a couple of posts at my blog. Now I'll probably disappear again for awhile. haha

There are a couple blogs on my sidebar that have neat background designs. One offhand that I can think of is 'BermudaBluez'.

I got your mail, just haven't had the chance to respond.

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