Saturday 9 Meme: Settling the Score

Saturday 9: Settling the Score
1. Do you feel that you have “a score to settle” with anyone?
No, I'm not one to hold a grudge. I'm a little pissed off with Governor Corzine, though. He wants to cut the EMS training budget in half, the same guy who was tooling down the highway at 90 miles an hour (speed limits apply to us, not him), wasn't wearing a seatbelt, and had an accident! Next time, he can set his own damn leg!

2. Do you own anything that you think is unbreakable?
I have discovered that anything can be broken... the cleaning people have broken things, the kitten and both of my long-gone babies broke many an item over the 18 years that I had them. On the very rare occasion there have been kids in our house, they've certainly been interested in touching everything under the sun. That is not far from breaking things, which isn't their fault. Kids are not gentle.

3. Tell us about a crazy thing you did in high school.
Ummmmm, that has to be a long list. I mean, cutting the day or class wasn't crazy - who didn't do that? Something crazy... well, I know I must've done some crazy things there but it was in middle school that I did something that created a HUGE bruhaha.

I was standing in line for the unch offerings, which were considerably different from what lunches in the Wallington school system were like. So we come to the desserts (keep in mind that this was in 1981 and sugar-loaded desserts were still okay) and a moment of not thinking, I stuck my finger into the chocolate pudding to see what I thought of it and the place went totally nuts! Oh, my gods. And it was a week-long thing. I never could believe that. But years later, I think that the adults there probably went home and laughed about it.

4. Name the one talent of yours that you think is the best.
One of my talents that is the best... hmmmm. I don't know off the top of my head. I'm told I'm good at firing people, but that is a dubious honour at best. I would say... ummmm... communicating. And caring. I definitely care about Luis, my friends, people I work with, and strangers - if I didn't care about strangers, I wouldn't be good at EMS.

5. Who wins American Idol? (if you don’t watch, tell us about a reality show that you do follow.)
I don't watch American Idol, not ever. But I grudgingly admit that I do watch a couple of reality shows. The top of the short list is Celebrity Apprentice. I blog about it constantly. The other was Beauty and the Geek, but they've taken it off the air, more's the pity. Luis loves watching Hell's Kitchen, but I hate the chef guy, what's-his-name. That's it for our reality viewing.

6. What is your favorite movie in black & white?
I'm a huge snob, so rarely am I interested in black and white telly. I believe that It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World is originally a black and white film. I love that movie. I'll stick with that.

7. What is one thing advertised too much on TV?
Is there anything that isn't? Cars, they are the largest percent of what we see. Pharmaceuticals is the second one. But what is really egregious is the advertising and branding that goes on while the shows are airing. Adverts cavort along the bottom of the screen and sometimes are shockingly large. All shows have the channel logo on throughout the show. It's rude and unforgivable that this allowed.

8. What is your current favorite TV drama?
Oh, now, that I can answer! CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Bones, Grey's Anatomy, Reaper, etc. There is a longer list than that, but those are the basics.

9. What is your current favorite TV comedy?
Uh, comedies as in situation comedies? I only watch one: Everybody Hates Chris. It's a good show although it is losing the charm as the mother gets stuck in that over-do-it, I'm stuck in a rut with behaviour. But it is still a good show. And it doesn't have a laugh-track, which I think is the worst. I sometimes hear the awful shows that Luis watches and they are so... formulaic, unfunny and that damn laugh track. I will say that the actors must have some talent to manage the timing to get around that stupid laugh track.


Unknown said…
Any Reaper fans? Tell the CW! There is not much time left, May upfronts are only a few short weeks away. Snail and email addresses, petitions, etc., are organized here:

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