I'm Sick... AGAIN

Everyone else might think I'm weak or useless or whatever, but in one year - from the first of January until now - I have been sick FOUR TIMES.

Week one - 1 through 6 January - I had the flu. Not swine or avian flu, just the flu, one of the 40% not covered by the shot. I was sick for the entire first week. Had I not gotten the flu shots (regular seasonal and the H1N1 shots) I would have been sick even longer.

Week three - 13 - 19 January - I had a sinus infection. Not enough to kill me outright, but immediately following the flu, much harder to kick. Not very enjoyable.

Week four - 23 - 27 January - I got a headcold. Regular, joe-headcold. Not fun, either. I blew my nose forever and a day. I had a raging headache. I tried keeping a distance but still missed nothing.

Week one in February - now - laryngitis and the colds/flu/sinus infection is in my chest. I'm bringing up all kinds of phlegm, which is normal, and watching the colour, also normal. I'm tired and still have no voice, which I'm hoping to have tomorrow (otherwise I'll have to scream hoarsely into the phone, "Don't hang up!" when people try to call me). Missed another day last week. Not fun at all.

I figure as long as the colour of the mucus isn't poor, I'll be alright. I'm watching that to make sure I don't have pneumonia. I don't want pneumonia. I also don't want to have to go to another doctor appointment, or worse, end up in the hospital. If I have pneumonia, that is the course that will be needed. That would really suck. So I blow my nose, avoid the human race and every weekend I've been home all weekend doing nothing.

It's finally turned yellow. The body's way of finally fighting the infection. It's been clear all along, and today it's turned yellow. That is actually a good sign. Hey, you are reading this. If you find it gross, move along. I don't always write about gross things. This might sound icky, but it is a naturally occurring process.

It HAS to get better than this. I have to get better than this!


Kittie Howard said…
OMG! It's almost as tho you've been a butterfly on the wall here...you described what I have been/am going through...the exact same progression. Many of my friends are fighting the same; apparently there's something nasty going around. I keep telling myself, this too shall pass. Hugs that you feel better!
CrystalChick said…
My girlfriend just got over a throat infection and she's rarely sick. My hubby is starting with a head/chest cold but was pushing himself outside this morning shoveling snow and slush because he says when this next round packs down we'll never get out with the ice underneath.
Thinking of you!!! Sending you good thoughts for feeling back to your wonderful self ASAP!!! {{{warm loving HUG}}}

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