Worst of What Were They Thinking?! 2008 - omg! photos on Yahoo!

Worst of What Were They Thinking?! 2008 - omg! photos on Yahoo!

"Oh-My-God", said as Bill Engvall would say it, does not cover all that I am thinking... I personally will never be a slave to fashion - heck, I'm not even terribly interested in looking okay - but the world of the fashionista is one I don't even make an attempt to understand. In fact, the word "fashionista" translates to, "I have heaps of money but no mirror and no plans to own one", as evidenced by the lovely frocks and other fabric-related no-nos this site abounds with!

I am not going to look like Linda Evangelista or Iman but I'm okay with that. I'm okay with my face and while my body isn't as I'd like it yet, it is getting better. But I will keep my mediocre face and my overweight body and my total lack of interest and my what-not-to-wear wardrobe over the super unbelievable fashion faux paux made by wealthy and/or famous people. And I will be fat and happy if that what it means to never put on some of the gods-awful outfits as clearly eidenced here.

My personal favourite is #20 and tied with that is #23 - good lord, when did those "pants" become acceptable to wear any other place than a circus? And don't tell me that I am unforgiving towards others' tastes - no one should forgive this! How could anyone put this on, look in a mirror, and say, "I'm SSSSMMMMOOOOOOOKIN'!"

Unless it is to say, "I'm smokin' something, and maybe I should be sober when I pick out my garb for the day."

One of the Olson twins was in there; not surprising. They're more than a little "off" and seeing their taste in clothing underscores that. Same thing with Sarah Jessica Parker. It's hard to know if her taste in clothing was poor to begin with or she became her character, Carrie, just a little too much. Either way, her taste is pretty awful. Kelly Ripa and Madonna both should donate to the Audubon Society instead of dressing like birds. Chaka Khan and Tina Turner shouldn't assume that being a stage act allows one to dress poorly, either.

I did notice that Halle wasn't in there. But she always seems to look very classy. Brittany Spears wasn't in there or a woman named Amy Winehouse, one of the most unfortunate-looking women I have ever seen. I have no idea who she is or what she does aside from illegal substances, but she's all over and so ugly. They just missed the boat as the 31st and 32nd what-not-to-wears!


Anonymous said…
I think #'s 11(bring back the 80's) and 14 (jusy what was Tori Amos thinking? Then again it was Comic Com, which earns her some points) were the best

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