Saturday 9: Going to Pot

1. When was the last time you smoked pot?

The last time I smoked pot I was 19, so 22 years ago. Luis will very rarely get some and smoke it. It smells as bad now as it did then and gives me a monstrous headache. It is difficult for me to figure out what people get out of it but clearly this is just my wacky physiology and not the normal reaction to marijuana.

2. What do you think is your biggest weakness?

Oh, that is easy - money! Spending - something I do freely and all too often.

3. What is your biggest fear?

Would you believe it is of falling on ice? I'm practically incapcitated by it. I hate that.

4. Is there a particular goal that you’d like accomplish this year?

Just to be happy - that is always my goal. Being a natuarally happy person anyway, this is more easily obtainable than you would think!

5. What do you miss most from your youth?

Hmmm. My grandfather. That's it. I hated being a child and was unhappy most of the time. I love life now.

6. What is your best physical feature?

My best physical feature? In my eyes, there isn't one. But one should not look at me through my jaded eyes. People always compliment my smile (for reasons passing understanding) but that has little to do with the physical side of it.

7. Are you very confident?

Yes, extremely. That is not an issue for me.

8. Tell us about the last time you were drunk.

I wasn't. I don't see the point to it.

9. Have you ever cheated on a lover?

Yes, I have. That is all you ever need know.


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