This is a Good One: Thursday Thunk!

From another blog that had a Sunday Meme last week:

A relative of mine asked when I might start blogging again. I didn’t say anything. They don’t know about this one. I have a lot of disagreements with a lot of my relatives on religion and politics and social issues.

I used to have a lot to say. I would post almost everyday, and sometimes more than once a day. Now, I’m like “ho hum.” I don’t want this to be a religion/no-religion blog, but I’m having a hard time getting my mental shit together. I have Twitter and a Tumblr blog. Maybe I should have skipped the Tumblr one and posted the fun stuff here.
Anyway, here are the Thursday Thunks.

1. Have you ever felt alone, but yet there are people around you?

Of course, who hasn't? I feel that way at large scale, and especially upscale, events. I want to crawl into a shell. I feel that way at Luis' work events, too. I work with people who are peope first and parenting is a part of it. His coworkers are only parents outside of work and that to me is so weird.

2. Do you have any video game consoles? Which ones?

Let's be totally clear about this: Luis, my husband, owns the gaming devices in the house. I bought him a WII for Christmas; he has his high-end gaming computer; an X-Box, and at some point we had something prior to that, but heck if I know what it was. I have zero interest in video games.

Luis would love it if I suddenly got into gaming, but he is aware that despite many efforts, I still could care less about this genre of entertainment. I just don't see the pleasure in it.

3. Do you freak out at food warnings/outbreaks, such as the recent peanut butter salmonella scare?
Oh, no, I'm not at all like that. And I haven't any caring for turkey, so I don't worry too much about salmanella. As an EMT I'm perfectly aware that things of this nature happen. I have a lot of realistic things to worry about, so this is really low on my list of worries to occupy my limited brain capacity.

4. What color/pattern is your beds’ comforter/bedspread?

Um... Right now... It is grey and purple and I'll take an image of it and upload it, it will be simpler to see and not look horrified. It sounds awful but I like it. It has a floral pattern.

5. How many windows do you have in your house?

I have 22 new ones and nine old ones. Wondering how I know that? We had 22 really old ones and nine middle-aged ones. The winter drafts blew right through them, so after the first two winters here, we had the old windows replaced. It definitely improved things immensely.

6. Name six things that are in your bathroom.

Um, two Smurfs, a rock group (a bunch of little painted rocks on a bigger rock), two three-drawer-organisers, a toothbrush, hairdryer and two different sized brushes for use with the hairdryer.

7. How big is your garage? Should it be bigger?

Should it be bigger? Well, no, a three-car garage would look a little strange on my house, since the bedroom and Luis' office are perfectly situated over the two car garage we have. I love having it, it's the first real garage we've owned where we actually use it.

Our first two houses (the small rental house in Fairfield and the small house in Lake Parsippany) had garages, too, but in the rental house, it was positioned in such a way that it was almost impossible to get the car in and out of it. I took one of the wing mirrors off doing it. So that was storage.

House number two was accessible, but there was only one again, while we both have cars, so why fight over it? It also became storage. This one started as storage in October 2002 when we moved in and after winter #1 with the northern facing driveway that doesn't promote fast melting of snow encouraged me to clean out the garage and use it. Now I wouldn't consider life without it.

8. Got your taxes done yet?

I did indeed. One of the nicer things about being together and not legally married is that my taxes are totally uncomplicated and I file them the moment I get my W-2. Even better, I know exactly when the forms are in, because I run the payroll and know when I've closed out the year and that two weeks later, those forms will be in my hands.

I don't take mine and not dole out the others, though. I mail out most of them, as we are usually still in shut down when I get them, so there are only 20 or so people to physically hand them to, when the total is usual around 240. Then I take mine home.

I did my taxes almost two weeks ago. I think I got the return, too. Luis' taxes are way too complicated. He gets 1099s, K1s, shit I have never heard of. I get one W-2 and the interest I earn is so minimal that it doesn't matter. I like my set up much better.

9. Think of a mental disorder….. why did you think of that particular one?

Schizoaffective disorder. We transported a patient last night from Greystone to St. Clares. I can't figure that out at all. I hate going there. It isn't our side of town but 65 had two rigs out already, so we were next on deck and had to run from the restaurant to the squadhouse to get to the ambulance and then were driving for nearly 20 minutes (lights and sirens) to get there.

Anyway, the patient was anyone but that person. JFK, an FBI Operative, a prize fighter (not sure who), a dispatcher... I strong suspect this person once did emergency work, possibly a cop, since s/he knew terms that a normal non-emergency service person would not likely know. But yes, a little nuts. Also bipolar. But harmless and sweet.

And Luis' father is paranoid schizophrenic. The word "schizophrenia" is a very generic word that just means the individual had a psychotic break. That could be anything. He's basically harmless, too, but seriously believes that the house is bugged by the FBI. It is nuts. I hate it, but made it clear that as long as he doesn't tote a gun or wallpaper the downstairs with tin foil, he gets to stay.


Anonymous said…
Hey! Your thunks were much better than mine, an actual blog post. And big ups to New Jersey, woot woot.

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