Saturday 9: In the Mood

1. Are you and your current lover (or most recent) always on the same page on sex?

Sometimes yes, sometimes not so much. We both are definitely looking for an orgasm! But the route taken is sometimes the disagreement.

2. If you had your way would you have sex more or less frequently?

More frequently! What else? I am a 40-year-old woman with no children! My body is my own worst enemy! It is pumping out 50,000,000 ppm of pheromones in an effort to get me into the procreational mode (thank you, Big Bad Pharmaceutical!). I want to get laid ALL THE TIME!

3. Have you ever been asked to do something sexually but refused?

Yes, anal sex. Some things are not meant to be, and this I know from experience. I also was asked by a very close friend if I wanted to sleep... with her. Much as I love my friends, I'm not even mildly curious about sexually encountering other women. It doesn't spark any reaction in me at all. So I apologised, said that this was certainly the highest compliment that I'd been paid, but I'm really strictly for men.

4. Have you ever asked a lover to do something sexually but they refused?

Oh, yes. Luis will not consent to a three-way - him, another guy and me. I have zero expectation of the guys doing anything at all to each other. None. But I want to be serviced by two men. You can imagine how well that went over.

5. How long do you wait when meeting some new to have sex?

That depends on the guy. And what my expectations are out of the relationship. I have had a one-night stand, which certainly serves a purpose. On the other hand, I feel friendship is more key to a good relationship of any kind, so usually there is a wait involved.

6. Have you ever engaged in a sexual act while driving an automobile?

Yes, but I have to say that as much fun as it was, it certainly wasn't safe. I also did something blatantly sexual to the driver (a couple of different drivers) and again, fun but not at all safe.

7. Have you regretted having sex with someone?

Sure. Doesn't everyone do that once?

Of course, this defies the imagination. This was a million years ago. I don't remember his name. But we had been out on a few dates, had a lot of fun, then got to the let's-sleep-together-stage. Oh, my goodness. When I first had sex, I was so tight, I could not understand how anyone found this to be fun. This guy was maybe my third sex partner. He was about 6'5" - definitely met the height requirement. But his penis - ye gods! It was tiny. Absolutely teeny. I never believed that size made a difference until then.

8. Are you and your current/most recent partner in the mood at the same time?

Most of the time, yes. But we negotiate when one is and one isn't.

9. When was the last time you had sex?

Saturday morning. We are overdue in my mind.


CrystalChick said…
So being I've already procreated and have whacked out hormones hub never knows whether I'm in the mood for love or to scratch his eyes out for looking at me the wrong way. hahaha
He's definitely been very understanding. Like in the morning, when I'm hot, and we're not talking sexy. Hot like, honey you better turn the A/C on before I freak out!! He knows I'm not in the mood then. But when I am, ooh, he's happy! ;)

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