Saturday 9: Tattoo You

1. Have you ever had a tattoo?

I have only had henna, no tattoos. I've thought about it... so, if I were to have one...

2. Was it hidden or visible?

It would be on my shoulder. Small but not totally hidden.

3. Flowers or skulls?

Neither. I want an OM.

4. Do tattoos on other people bother you?

No, not at all.

5. Would you date someone with a tattoo?

Aboslutely. I have already.

6. Would you hire someone with a tattoo?

You do realise it is really considered illegal to use that as a consideration; however, it depends on the situation, too. I have no issue with hiring people tattooed, but they cannot be visible to the membership. We have had (and for all I know, have now) management with tattoos. At least one could not wear a short-sleeved shirt. It's a pity, too, as the artwork was really nice.

7. Would you read a blogger with a tattoo?

Yah, of course. Why not?

8. Fess up.....What does your tattoo look like?

I still haven't worked up the courage...! One of these days.

9. Does your mother have a tattoo?

No, and she's never even considered it.


CrystalChick said…
I don't have one either. An OM would be pretty cool!
Hub only has one. A heart on his chest with a banner and my name on it. It's not too big but he said it was pretty tender to get in that spot.
My daughter... uh, she has, oh I dunno.... 15 of them?? Assorted ones in various places. Some are alright, others NOT. She also has her tongue pierced and a bar bell in her neck, and her belly button and ears pierced.
They were all done after she was old enough to do it without my permission and with her own money. To each his own.

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