What My Birthday Means

I took this quiz in FaceBook. What a stretch...

This quiz asked me a handful of questions, and based on my birthday falling on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, my being older than 30 (there were 4 options and I'm 40 - guess I'm one of the older people on FaceBook...), born between 0800 and 1600, and whatever else there was, this was the conclusion:

"Your birthday means that you love the sun and the beach.

Your best colors are red and yellow. You tend to have many friends and you are well-liked, possible because of your outgoing and sunny personality. You are a very positive and enthusiastic person. Shopping is likely something you enjoy very much, not just for yourself, but for other people as well. You shine at parties and get togethers, and you are definitely an extrovert."
Well... maybe. I love the sun, yes. I love the ocean a lot more than the beach.
I'm sunny and outgoing, but well-liked? I'm not so sure. I'm persona non-grata on my squad for the most part and likely because I don't care, I'm less so. I do a job that makes me popular and unpopular! Hard to say, really. But this is sheer screaming guesswork - your birthday doesn't dictate your personality.


CrystalChick said…
You are sunny and outgoing and I like you.


Your birth day ABSOLUTELY does dictate your personality. IMHO. It just takes the right person to interpret what it all means. The quiz on Facebook was probably written by a bored 12 year old.

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