Four Days of Hell

Don't get sick.

Whatever the cost, don't let yourself get sick. It really sucks to feel the way I have. And the worst is that I don't know if I was really sick or just the victim of a series of unfortunate stupidity.

On Thursday night I awoke around 2330 feeling feverish and achy, not something I find enjoyable. I took my temperature - 99.3 - not exactly a staggering temp, and certainly not for me. I tend to average in the low 99s, therefore 99.3 is not unheard of and definitely not a qualifier for achiness. Well, I took an analgesic and would have returned to sleep (and was on the cusp of doing so) when we were called out to a call that wasn't ours. It wasn't even our sister squad's call, it was for another town. Yikes. I went to bed after that and awoke promptly at 0559.

I ached everywhere. Head to toe, everything ached and it ached a LOT.

I went to work, whipped through a bunch of things and called the doctor and got a last minute appointment. He gave me a script for bloodwork and Naproxin as an anti-inflammatory. I managed to take one barely, as they are upsetting to the stomach taken on empty, which I was. Hmmm. I did manage to eat a very little bit. The Naproxin upset my stomach and provided no relief.

By 2100 I was in so much pain I called 9-1-1 and got my squad to get me. Bless them all: Chris, who laughs at anyone and everything; Don, who is the most reassuring and calming person ever, and Tyler (Tiger) who lifted and did not so much as let the stair chair or stretcher wobble. They were all wonderful. And I don't who did what, but I was in and out of there in less than two hours.

The hospital visit was great and I enjoyed the nurses and the ER Doc was nice. They gave me a shot of Dilaudid and it made me queasy... delightful. I must say that the pain eased very quickly, but that pervasive feeling of nausea was horrible and lasted well into the next day. As a result I ate very little. And then I began to get severe diarrhea and by Sunday night was worried that I was dehydrating faster than I could get anything in. Crackers and water... not an exciting regiment. I've lost 3lbs in three days.

This morning I was tired and hurting (my back and a little bit my hips) but got to the doc's by 0830 for my bloodletting and then went to work... where that lovely feeling of nausea remained with me. I had managed most of a half a bagel. And then took something for pain which promptly brought the nausea back into focus. By 1400 I really wanted out but there was something left to do so I was unable to escape until 1500. I came home pretty fast (schools have not adversely affected my commute by more than 5 minutes) and now I am relaxing on the couch, listening to the soundtrack to Ratatoiulle and blogging. Something, I might add, I've had no energy to do all weekend. Maybe I am on finally on the mend.

That would be nice.


CrystalChick said…
I'm so sorry to hear you were so sick. Glad that you are feeling better now!
I have seen the movie Ratatouille but didn't notice the music. I'll have to check the soundtrack out online.

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