This Week's Vote
Let's bring the stakes up to something just a wee bit more personal that almost anyone anywhere can have an opinion. This should be quite a bit easier, since many people do have kids and really would do anything to see them protected and raised right. So this new poll, for the next fourteen days, is: "Do you think people like Kate Gosselin and the Duggars should parade their children on television to make a buck?" (That sounds like I'm skewed in my opinion, but those of you who read my blog already know that.) Answers: Yes, they are just living the American dream. No, I think it is wrong and potentially damaging to the kids. I'd do it in a minute if I thought I could get rich! I don't know. (I figured there should be one token answer that was not so tongue-in-cheek.) So there you go. Hopefully everyone will come out to vote and give their opinion, too!