The Help - In Theatres Now!

If you have not gone to the movies in a while and need a suggestion, see this movie!

We went today for the 15:00 showing and we loved it! We paid $9.00 each for the tickets (unbelievable) and then far more in concessions (I see why they're called "concessions") and went into a theatre empty of people. This is just the way I like to see films. Oh, yes, and there was not one single child anywhere to be seen - even better. Kids wreck movies, there is no doubt. So we picked out the best seats and settled in for the movie.

Sadly, going to the movies is much like taking a flight to get some place. Your ticket may be for 15:00 take-off, but the airlines consider taking off at 16:00 as being on time. I'm not sure whose time frame they are thinking of, but I can read my watch just fine. At 15:00, the adverts went off (GGGRRRRRR-R-R-R-R - adverts. I pay for the movie and still get stuck sitting through bloody commercials!) and the previews came on. I see movie previews just as I do commercials - unwanted viewing that I cannot avoid. You wonder why we have TiVO? So that I never, ever have to see adverts again.

Anyway, the movie did finally begin and refreshingly I did not need my earplugs. A first and a nice one. I find most movies entirely too loud. That was just the first of many good things.

When the movie opens, it is in the early 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi and is about Eugenia Phelan, known as "Skeeter" who writes about life as a maid working for the wealthy-elite - a very controversial book as it depicts the open racism displayed by the employers in that time - and in Mississippi, one of the more backwards states where this topic is concerned. (I've been given to understand that little has changed in that part of the United States, which is a sad condition.) The behaviour of the Southerns then was nothing short of despicable. But not to worry - they end up getting theirs. The end of the movie is sad but incredibly satisfying, too. See it - you won't regret it. It is a wonderfully made film and you really grow to have strong feelings about the characters. Any movie is really predicated on that - how much you become involved in the characters of it. If you don't make those connections to them, then it is not a good movie. Movies should evoke strong emotions and without that caring for the characters in whatever manner, those emotions will remain untouched. I cried during the sad parts and I cried and laughed at the same time for joy in the good parts. And there are some scenes (the pie scene, of course, brought the house down!) that will make you laugh until you wet your trousers. It was that good!

We both loved it. Yes, that is your telling factor - it was not an action movie, there was no amazing technology, it was a touchy-feely warm and fuzzy movie but Luis loved it anyway. That's your cue to go see this whatever the cost. (And the gods know, it is incredibly expensive to go. I remember seeing movies for $5.00 and now they are $9.00 for non-popular viewing times. Ouch. Bring your own munchies, though - that defrays the cost considerably.)

I would see it again if I could. I can guarantee you I'll own it the moment it comes out on Blu-Ray. It is too good not to own.


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