Saturday Six Episode #386

Before posting this week’s edition of the Saturday Six, I took Scotty to the dog park. I figured it would be a good idea to let him burn off some energy before it got too hot. Sure enough, after about forty minutes, he was looking for a cool spot to lie down and rest, so I got him back into the car and back home.

He had fun playing with a German Shepherd, a Boxer two Huskies and a howling Beagle. He’s now sprawled out in the middle of the floor with a big smile on his face.

With that task done, it’s now time for another set of six questions!

Thanks for dropping by!

Be sure to check back this week and click on the links of bloggers who play along in the comments below! It’s a great way to find blogs you may not have visited and keep the conversation going!

Here are this week’s “Saturday Six” questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your blog… But don’t forget to leave a link to your blog so that everyone else can visit! Permission is not granted to copy the questions to message boards for the purpose of having members answer and play along there. Enjoy!

1. The weather’s just too hot for you and you decide to escape for a week to somewhere cooler: what’s the first place you’d think of? Ah, me - back to Ireland for some time in the Black Mountains, then to Scotland for the Shetland, Hebrides, Northern and Western Islands as well as Skara Brae in Orkney.

2. Months later, the weather’s now too cold for you and you decide to escape for a week to somewhere warmer: what’s the first place you’d think of? Oooohh, my first destination would be the Hawaiian Islands and to the volcano, Kilauea. I'm sure that this will open the old pores right up.

3. Severe weather is moving your way. Which are you more likely to turn to first to get information on the storm: your radio, your television or the web? I have one of my most prized possessions, a NOAA radio. It is tuned into the Mount Holly where the closest weather station is. The radio has a display that tells me what the immediate concern is - so this entire week, the radio has read the time then the word has been "flood". During the hurricane the yellow watch light was on, which means there is a watch, and the word tornado flashing above. Yikes. It has batteries so it works no matter what and it gives complete information in a computer generated voice. It has to be about 15 years old now. I should see if there is a new one online and get an updated one. I wouldn't trust any other Web site or device as much as I do NOAA.

NOAA is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in case you are wondering. Just go to and type in your zip code. It also carefully tracks all tropical depressions for the Hurrne season.

4. You find yourself sitting on a screened in porch during a strong thunderstorm: do you find this relaxing or terrifying? I have always watched storms roll in from the West and sometimes the North, and ennjoy them thoroughly from any direction. I never find storms terrifying. I just love 'em!

5. What is your thermostat set to right now? It is set to 75 degrees. It currently 76 degrees in here which explains why I cannot keep my eyes open in here - it is too warm. I've changed it to 73. The heat is not the problem - it is not too hot outside - it's the humidity, which is far too high - 66%. When the humidity is up, the house is harder to keep dry and cool.

6. How high do you set it at the coldest part of winter? I rarely set it above 68 degrees unless we are expecting temperatures under 20 degrees outside, especially at night. I don't want the pipes to freeze.


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