Monday Mayhem - Labour Day

Labour (or We are All Marxists)

1. In your opinion, what does Labor Day mean to you?
It usually means a day off, until your labour has ended, which mine did in March. So now it means a non-mail day. The Tuesday after Labour Day now means a torrential downpour the following day. Maybe next year it won't mean that.
2. How much was the minimum wage when you got your first job?
$5.25 was my hourly salary for the first year I worked at age15. It went up to $5.75 (I think) after that. My next job was about $7.00... and I think the minimum wage pretty much stayed where it was - $5.75 - for the next decade. At least. Now in New Jersey it is $7.50, but it seems that it will not change for another decade. Some states like Oklahoma and Kentucky have minimum wage still listed at $2.00 but by law are forced to pay the Federal amount as it is the higher amount. How stupid are these states?
3. What was your first job--as in real actual employee-job?
My first job was working for the library while still in high school. It wasn't the most exciting job. I had a couple of retail jobs here and there and then went to temping when I was 20. I got my first Human Resources job when I was 30. There I stayed until I was 43. Now, I do absolutely nothing. It's not a good thing.
4.What was the best job that you ever had?
I loved my most recent job the most. It was the best of the best.
5. What was the worst job that you ever had?
Working for Universal Solutions, a company based out of South Carolina, was the worst job I ever had. The company had less than any value to its employees and it showed each and every day. I was paid once a month, too, which was the pits. I couldn't save a penny on that weird pay scale. But their total disregard for any of their employees made it the hands-down worst job ever. All I did was disseminate bad news every week.
6. Describe your dream job.
I love all things Human Resources. I had my dream job and had to leave it.
7. Who has the best job ever?
Still the most recent one. I looked forward to Monday, wasn't crazy about Friday.
8. How do you usually celebrate Labor Day (or whatever holiday your location may have that is devoted to workers)?
Well, we really never celebrated it. I usually did some kind of standby for the Boonton Parade and/or carnival/fireworks for that weekend. Luis sometimes came along, some times not. I miss being an EMT, too. But Labour Day was more of a day off. I usually did the payroll prep in the morning, then went to do whatever I'd signed up to do for Boonton Township's weekend in the evening. Then Tuesday was the next work day.


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