WTF Thursday - Trapping a Bunch of Snakes on Hidden Camera

1) How did your education prepared you for your current career? Do you wish you had taken a different path academically? No. I'm happy with what I've done. No regrets at all.

2) If you could pick the two major candidates for the next presidential race (politicians, celebrities, people you personally know, etc.), who would we see running? Yikes. I'm guessing President Obama and Mitt Romney will end up being the front-runners. I don't particularly care for either one.

3) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both places are fine. I usually don't like the outcome of the images in front, but I like being in some photos.

4) What is one simple indulgence you could never live without? Candles. Music. I think there are a lot more than one. Books. Blogging. The image to the right was taken at home, after shopping at a Yankee candle sale: 3 boxes of tea lights for $15 (normally one box of 12 tea lights is $15). It was an incredible sale and I went back several more times to take advantage of it. I have tarts for every season, every need. I love burning candles to give the house that lovely ambiance.

5) If you were trapped in a pit full of snakes, and you could call one person to save you, who would that be? Well, I know who I wouldn't call: Indiana Jones! Other than that, I don't know. Most people I know are terrified of snakes!

6) Joy Engel at recently wrote about the eight worst things ever said to her on a date (read it here). She includes "I really like Nickelback" and "Star Wars is overrated" on the list. What's the worst thing someone's ever said to you on a date? Oh, my... It's been so long since I have been out on a date, I have no idea. I've been living with Luis for 22 years. I can't think back to a date from 23 or so years ago.

7) Should a marriage license have a renewal date or expiration date, like a driver’s license? I like that idea! A handfasting is good for one year and one day. Then the Wiccan religion will marry you forever. I think that is a great idea!

8) Where would you like to place a hidden camera? No where I'd end up on it!


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