Saturday Six: Episode #1
I found it! April 2004, if you can believe it! I have years - YEARS! - of blogging ahead of myself to try to catch up to the currect time I began answering the Saturday Six and Sunday Seven. My friends will tell you that I’m usually running about ten minutes behind schedule. I’ll take advantage of that lovable tardiness and turn the Friday Five into the Saturday Six. Give ‘em a try. 1. Name the last movie you watched on DVD. The last movie I watched on DVD was The Fifth Element , just yesterday (30 August 2008). I love that movie. 2. If you could spend one day as: A) a member of the opposite sex B) a member of a different race C) a member of the opposite sex AND different race D) an animal… which would you pick and why? I would have to go with being a member of the opposite sex; I'm the most curious about what it is like to be a man and have to conform to their way of doing things. It would make understanding my husband a lot easier! 3. If you won the lottery and received $200 mill...