Saturday 9: The Labour Day Meme

1. What are you doing special this weekend for Labor Day?

I'm really not. I'm working this Monday, trading in for the next. I need to take off the 8th and 9th to take my dad in to have his hip - the left one - done. The right is done. I will be on the duty rig from 1500 to 1800 tomorrow and then the back-up rig from 1800 - whenever the fireworks are over.

I missed the fourth of July fireworks, so I guess I make up for this tomorrow.

2. What was your best vacation this past summer?

I didn't take vacation during the summer. I never do. I always take it in May and October. I usually take a couple of days in May and always a full week in October. That's my time of the year.

3. Did you do anything special for the 4th of July?

I made the ENORMOUS mistake of going to Philly with my mother. Ray and I were ready to strangle her. We were supposed to stay until midday 5 July but came home the morning of the 4th.

4. What did you do special for Memorial Day?

We were in Houston, Texas, which was fine with me. I had a great time. I loved it and as much as I enjoy being in parades (and I do) this was much, much more fun!

5. How was the weather? Tell us where you live and how the weather was as compared to summers past.

The weather was so far outside of the normal range for us... I live in northern New Jersey, which is normally hot and humid. June was normal; July was hot, but not really humid; and this brings us to August. Normally August is by and far the hottest month of the summer and usually terribly humid. Normal humidity would be 50 - 60%; August can easily get into the 70s or 80% range... but this year it was between 25 and 38% - WOW! It never reached 100 (38 Celsius); it rarely made it past 92 degrees (35 degrees Celsius). It was DELIGHFUL!

6. Did you discover a new favorite summer drink?

Uh, no. I don't discriminate against any drinks based on the season.

7. Did you enjoy this summer’s Olympics?

I did indeed and I'm still enjoying them. I'm only up to Thursday, 14 August. I've got ten days worth of events to go through.

8. I am from New England (Rhode Island). Lobster rules supreme in the summer. Is lobster part of your summer ritual?

No, but I don't care for lobster. I'm not too far down the coast from Rhode Island.

9. What was the best single day of your summer?

The best single day of my summer? How can that be? I had many wonderful days this summer, just as I always do. I can't rate any one day as the single best day of the whole warm season! How sad would that be if out of a 90-day period (roughly) I could have only one solitary day that stands out head and shoulders above the rest. I certainly wouldn't brag about it.


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