Sunday Seven - Episode #308

Back in 2005, the very first edition of the Sunday Seven asked a question about the Seven Deadly Sins.
(You’re more than welcome to play that one as well, if you haven’t already!)
Christians are generally urged to fight off the Seven Deadly Sins by focusing on seven virtues: chastity, abstinence, temperance, diligence, patience, kindness and humility.
Temperance, incidentally, does not necessarily mean completely going without alcohol, but at the very least, it does mean limiting its use and adhering to the phrase, “Be not drunk with wine.”
In our society, which many like to claim is quickly going down the moral tubes, some of these virtues may seem nearly impossible. Especially when we, as adults, consider what young people may be subjected to.
Could you rank the seven virtues in terms of which you think would be the most difficult, by today’s secular society, to stick to?
That’s the test for this week!
  • Be sure to check back this week and click on the links of bloggers who play along in the comments below! It’s a great way to find blogs you may not have visited and to keep the conversation going!
Here is this week’s “Sunday Seven” question. Either answer in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your blog (with a link here), and then comment here with a link back to your blog so that everyone else can visit! Permission is not granted to copy the questions to message boards for the purpose of having members answer and play along there. Enjoy!
Name the seven holy virtues you think today’s young people would have the most trouble adhering to.
1. Thou shalt not drive and text/use thy cell phone
2. Thou shalt not put thy car in reverse and back upeth to the highway exit thou missed
3. Thou shalt learn to write words in full - "you", not "u", "are", not "r".
Oh, wait. You mean the current holy virtues? Are those the same as the ten commandments? Hmmm. I'd better check on that before I go forth and reply.

Hmmm. I just found this in the Drafts folder. I ran out of steam and this is it - this is all I've got. Strange, eh? That's not like me to do that.
Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment.
Have an idea for a future question? Click “Contact” in the top nav-bar and email it to me!


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